Northwestern Society for Ethical Theory and Political Philosophy


2nd Annual Conference




Thursday, May 15th  (Norris University Center, room “Northwestern”)


9:00 – 10:25

Receptivity and the Will


Edward Hinchman (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee)


Commentator: Kyla Ebels Duggan (Northwestern University)


10:35 – 12:00

In Praise of Akrasia?


Mathieu Doucet (Queen’s University)


Commentator: Ryan Doran (Northwestern University)


2:00 – 3:25

Constructing a Moral Semantics for Hume’s Moral Ontology


Keith Erwin (University of Southern California)


Commentator: Lee Goldsmith (Northwestern University)


3:35 – 5:00

Anger, Faith, and Forgiveness


Andrea Westlund (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee)


Commentator: Jonathan Jacobs (Colgate University)


Friday, May 16th  (Harris Hall, room 108)


9:00 – 10:25

Well-Being, Time, and Dementia


Jennifer Hawkins (University of Toronto)


Commentator: Coleen Macnamara (University of California at Riverside)


10:35 – 12:00

Human Rights in a Well-Ordered Society


Quentin Gee (University of California at Santa Barbara)


Commentator: Max Cherem (Northwestern University)


2:00 – 3:25

Why the Shape of a Life Matters


Antti Kauppinen (University of St. Andrew’s)


Commentator: Douglas MacLean (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)


3:35 – 5:30

Keynote address: “Meaningfulness: A Third Dimension of the Good Life


Susan Wolf (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)


Commentator: Samuel Fleischacker (University of Illinois at Chicago)


Saturday, May 17th  (Harris Hall, room 108)


9:00 – 10:25

Imps of the Perverse


David Sussman (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


Commentator: Matthew Silverstein (Amherst College)


10:35 – 12:00

Dealing with Trespassers in the Kingdom of Ends


Ryan Davis (Princeton University)


Commentator: Laura Papish (Northwestern University)


2:00 – 3:25

Anderson and Velleman’s Kantian Thesis


Christian Coons (Bowling Green State University)


Commentator: Jon Garthoff (Northwestern University)


3:35 – 5:30

Keynote address: “Love and Nonexistence


J. David Velleman (New York University)


Commentator: Richard Kraut (Northwestern University)